Corporate Storytelling Trainings.

Whether you’re looking to communicate a vision, inspire your team, or drive effective decision making, our leadership storytelling trainings will provide you with the tools and insight you need to succeed.

Communicate your vision, build trust, and inspire action.

As a leader, your ability to communicate effectively and drive effective decision making is critical to the success of your organization. With our corporate storytelling training, you'll gain the confidence, skills, and insights you need to improve how you engage, align, and generate tangible results.

In today's competitive business landscape, effective leadership communication is more important than ever. Invest in your leadership potential and unlock the power of transformational corporate storytelling today.

Your Key Takeaways Will Include:

  1. Understand the power of storytelling in a corporate setting

  2. Learn to craft compelling storylines for your pitches, presentations and mission-critical leadership messages

  3. Improve emotional resonance to drive engagement

  4. Master the art of the delivery to increase your impact

  5. Adapt your message to different contexts, audiences & objectives


Introduce inspiring new ideas and leave everyone motivated to create change.

Standard Storytelling Keynotes include:

  • 30-90 minute live session

  • Unlimited seats

  • Included Q&A

  • Included recording of the experience

  • 60-min follow-up integration call


Come together with your team to learn and practice new communications skills.

Standard Storytelling Trainings include:

  • Choose 2, 4, 7 or 14 hrs of learning

  • Up to 50 seats

  • In-person, virtual or hybrid

  • Content and exercises tailored to you

  • 60-min follow-up integration call,

Better leadership storytelling will help you improve:

  • Vision and Mission Statements

  • Strategic Plans

  • Change Management Initiatives

  • Company Culture and Values

  • Day-to-day Leadership Communication

  • Customer Success Stories

  • Sales and Marketing Materials

  • Investor Presentations

  • Crisis Management

  • Every form of workplace communication

What Your Storytelling Training Includes:

  • Practical Storytelling Frameworks

    Our human-centered storytelling frameworks can take every business story and immediately increase engagement, clarity and impact.

  • Hands-on Storytelling Exercises

    Practice leadership storytelling and receive personalized feedback from your colleagues. Our exercises put storytelling into practice.

  • Application to your Real Leadership Messages

    Apply what you learn to your real messaging. Achieve new insights, perspective and immediate improvements.

“This storytelling training helped us zoom out to see the big picture, and then come back down to Earth so we could see exactly what we needed to do next.


All Corporate Storytelling Trainings

Our tailored approach means that every training is customized to your group.

  • Learn the foundational principles of leadership storytelling and apply them immediately to strengthen support for a business plan, motivate team members, win over investors, energize a public-relations campaign, and gain executive leadership and Board of Director approval.

  • Understand the nuts and bolts of business storytelling, and use it to improve how you present information to stakeholders, communicate data, and employ visuals to deliver ideas that are clear, effective, and memorable. Learn how to identify the unique needs of diverse audiences and tailor your strategic narratives for maximum relevance and impact.

  • Stories sell. Learn how to translate your features, benefits, success stories and data points into clear, evocative stories that will drive informed decision making and get you more wins. Bring sales storytelling into every aspect of your workflow, improving the impact of your cold emails and product demos. Get more meetings and put rocket fuel into your sales playbooks.

  • Bring new charisma, confidence and vision to how you engage your customers and win buy-in from your stakeholders. Build a story-driven brand, and translate your big-picture story into concrete task, actions and customer journeys. Form meaningful connections with your audiences, drive engagement and convey the deeper value of your products and services.

  • Unlock your ability to drive organizational change by honing your change narrative for your audiences. Build buy-in, address change resistance, and tell the story of a better future. Improve confidence as a speaker and presenter, using your voice and body language to engage your audience and inspire authentic action.

  • Drive informed decision making by clarifying your ideas and delivering them with impact. Build confidence presenting your ideas and handling questions and challenges with ease. Learn to tailor your stories to different audiences and situations, ensuring that your message is always on point and resonates with everyone you interact with.

How We Work With You

01 Discovery

We begin with an assessment phase we call Discovery. Discovery includes review of your current “stories”, including Powerpoint Decks, PDFs and other communications materials that your team is currently using to get your message across. Additionally, Discovery includes 1-on-1 interviews with a cross-section of your team. We’ll assess your team’s goals, skills and narratives, and we’ll use these insights to tailor your training.

02 Training

Our training sessions are interactive, engaging… and fun! We combine practical frameworks, best practice examples and world-class facilitation that adds up to a dynamic learning experience. Your team will learn the basics of exceptional leadership storytelling while also taking these ideas and putting them directly into practice. Structured exercises will give you new ideas and personalized feedback about how you can immediately improve the impact of your communication. You’ll leave knowing exactly what to do next.

03 Integration

After the training, we’ll follow up with your leadership team one week later. We’ll help you reflect on what your team learned, and direct you towards customized recommendations about how you can sustain your excitement and learning. We know from experience that big change can happen in just one training. We will show you how you and your team can build a new, more effective leadership communications foundation.

We are excited to work together and craft a dynamic learning experience for every person on your team.

Ready to get started?

Meet your Facilitator.

Jordan Bower is a highly regarded expert in leadership storytelling and organizational change. Over the last 15 years, Jordan has worked with more than 100 organizations, helping thousands of leaders unlock the unique transformational power of storytelling.

Every storyteller has a backstory. Jordan’s journey into leadership storytelling began with a year-long walking trip down the West Coast of America, from Canada to Mexico. When he came back to Earth, Jordan custom designed a unique leadership curriculum with the vision of helping business leaders become more effective and emotionally intelligent.

Jordan’s clients have included tech unicorns, growth startups, and the Fortune 50, as well as government and non-profit clients on five continents. He is based in Vancouver, Canada.


  • The training includes 3 learning modules:

    Overview of Business Storytelling: What it is and why it is relevant

    Foundations and Frameworks of Business Storytelling: How to think about integrating storytelling ideas in business messages

    Putting the ideas into practice: Applying new insights to the team’s real messaging.

    These modules are supplemented with a mix of interactive exercises, peer learning groups and large group facilitated conversation.

  • Very! We keep the energy up with real world examples of effective business storytelling, dynamic content and facilitation style, and plenty of structured exercises in pairs and peer learning groups.

  • This training takes a principle-based approach to business storytelling. That means the principles can be applied broadly to any kind of business communication. We address written and verbal communication in emails, reports, Powerpoint decks, presentations, videos, social media and much, much more.

  • Yes! The principles learned in this workshop apply to storytelling with data and other visuals. Participants learn how to clarify their message, find the emotional core and relate it to their stakeholders or other audiences. Then, they practice applying these ideas to real examples of their workplace messaging.

  • Yes! Before every training, we conduct research that allows us to customize content and examples to your group. Before the session, we will suggest examples of your real messaging that can be “workshopped” during the training. These examples may be marketing materials, a slide from a Powerpoint deck, or other relevant “stories”.

    Don’t worry, we will guide you to the best stories to work on in the training, and you will approve everything in advance!

  • Yes! We love working with our clients to maximize the value they get from our training. Just send us a message!

  • No! The workshop uses a mix of structured exercises, peer-learning groups and large group sessions to introduce and learn the material. Your team will participate in exercises in pairs and groups of four, but no one will be obligated to present anything in front of the entire group.

  • Yes! I have custom designed the content, and I deliver it in a tailored way to every group. I have successfully delivered more than 100 storytelling workshops!

  • Yes! Your team will receive additional materials, recommended readings, and tools to continue developing their storytelling skills after the workshop.

    Additionally, I will meet with your leadership after the workshop to reflect on the learning experience and to recommend customized next steps.

  • In addition to trainings, we offer consulting, coaching and other forms of transformational support. We can provide more information on how we can help you integrate leadership storytelling after the training.

  • In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business environment, leaders are continually challenged to effectively communicate their vision, build trust, and inspire action among their teams. One powerful skill that separates exceptional leaders from the rest is the art of corporate storytelling—the ability to craft and deliver narratives that engage, inspire, and drive meaningful change within an organization. Our corporate storytelling training program is specifically designed for leaders who want to harness the power of storytelling to elevate their communication skills, foster stronger connections with their teams, and propel their business forward.

    Why is corporate storytelling so important for leaders? First, stories have the unique ability to tap into our emotions and create a deeper connection with the audience. When leaders use storytelling techniques, they can communicate their vision and values in a way that resonates with their teams, making it more likely that employees will embrace and internalize these ideas. This emotional connection also helps leaders build trust and foster a more collaborative and supportive work environment.

    Second, storytelling helps leaders make complex ideas more accessible and memorable. By illustrating abstract concepts with concrete examples and narratives, leaders can ensure that their messages are not only understood but also remembered long after they have been communicated. This is especially crucial when leaders need to drive organizational change or inspire their teams to pursue ambitious goals.

    Third, corporate storytelling can help leaders foster a strong company culture and reinforce organizational values. By sharing stories that exemplify the desired behaviors and attitudes, leaders can inspire employees to adopt these values and act in alignment with the organization's goals. In turn, this can help build a strong, cohesive, and high-performing team.

    So, what can you expect from our corporate storytelling training program? Our comprehensive training will equip you with the essential techniques and strategies needed to create compelling stories that resonate with your audience. Through hands-on workshops and expert guidance, you'll develop a deep understanding of the key elements that make a story powerful, including structure, emotional appeal, and the art of captivating delivery. You'll also learn how to tailor your stories to various settings and objectives, from motivating your team to building trust with stakeholders.

    Here are some of the key topics we'll cover during the training:

    Understanding the power of storytelling in a corporate setting - We'll explore the benefits of using stories to engage and inspire your team, build trust, and drive action.

    Crafting a compelling story structure - You'll learn how to build a narrative that captures attention, sustains interest, and delivers a clear message.

    Creating emotional resonance - Discover how to tap into your audience's emotions and create stories that resonate on a deeper level.

    Delivering your story with impact - Master the art of storytelling delivery, including techniques for vocal variety, body language, and pacing.

    Adapting your story to different contexts and objectives - Learn how to tailor your stories to various settings, such as team meetings, presentations, and one-on-one conversations.

    As you progress through the training, you'll have ample opportunities to apply your newfound skills through practice exercises, group discussions, and real-world case studies. This hands-on approach ensures that you not only understand the concepts but also gain the confidence and practical experience needed to apply them in your day-to-day leadership role.

    In addition to the core training modules, our program also includes personalized feedback and coaching from our expert facilitators. This tailored approach ensures that you receive specific guidance and insights to help you build on your strengths and address any areas for improvement. As a result, you'll emerge from the training with a solid foundation in corporate storytelling and the ability to apply these skills effectively in your leadership role.

    Investing in our corporate storytelling training is an investment in your leadership potential and the future success of your organization. By mastering the art of storytelling, you'll be better equipped to engage and inspire your team, build trust, and drive meaningful change. So, take the next step in your leadership journey and unlock the transformative power of corporate storytelling today.