Great storytellers are made, not born.

Learn to craft and deliver transformational leadership narratives that engage, inspire, and drive meaningful change within your organization.

We’ve trained transformational leadership storytellers at more than 100 companies worldwide:

“This training provided remarkable insight into the power and process of effective leadership storytelling.”

Johnson & Johnson Canada

Elevate your leadership communication skills.

Clarify complex ideas, foster stronger connections with your teams, and propel your business forward.

Our corporate storytelling training program is specifically designed for leaders who want to harness the power of storytelling to improve your leadership skills—elevating your ability to craft and deliver the strategic messages that drive authentic change within your organization.

  • Present Data Clearly and Effectively

    Optimize your message to be understood, remembered, and to drive effective stakeholder decision making.

  • Motivate and Inspire Your Stakeholders

    Discover how to connect to your audience's emotions and create stories that resonate on a deeper level.

  • Adapt Your Messages to Different Contexts

    Learn how to tailor your stories to various settings, such as team meetings, presentations, and 1-on-1s.

Our Corporate Storytelling Trainings for Teams

  • Executive Storytelling Training

    Define your compelling vision. This training is designed for executive leadership teams and organizational Board of Directors.

  • Leadership Storytelling Training

    Lead your team through complexity and change. This training is designed for VPs, senior leaders and anyone else with a leadership mandate.

  • Sales Storytelling Training

    Facts tell, but stories sell. This training is designed for business development teams: from executives all the way to AEs and SDRs.

  • Marketing Storytelling Training

    Engage your audiences, win leadership buy-in. This training is designed for brand teams, product managers and internal communicators.

  • Change Leader Storytelling Training

    Tell an exciting story about change. This training is designed for teams working on innovation, change management and digital transformation.

  • Data Storytelling Training

    Make your number meaningful. This training is designed for analysts, internal consultants and other data-driven leaders who need to drive impact.

Leadership storytellers can transform the future.

  • Think outside the old leadership box

  • Practice innovative tools and tactics

  • Be more charismatic in your leadership

  • Improve stakeholder trust and connection

  • Master the art and science of transformational leadership storytelling

“We came into the training with a complex technical product and walked away knowing exactly which stories to tell and why. Thank you, Transformational Storytelling!”

– CTO, Growth Start-up

What You’ll Learn

  • Practical Frameworks

    Our storytelling trainings are carefully designed to provide relevant, tangible takeaways. We ensure every participant walks away from the training knowing exactly what they need to do next.

  • Cutting-Edge Ideas

    Today’s communications landscape is changing quickly. Our storytelling training integrates learning about the quickly evolving context—from new platforms to best practice around AI.

  • Emotional Intelligence

    Authenticity and connection are the core of good storytelling. In our trainings, we help you improve your emotional IQ, so you can be more insightful, dynamic and impactful in all your stakeholder messaging

  • Creative Thinking

    Our storytelling trainings help leaders tap into their own creativity. Our expert guidance empowers you to find unique, innovative solutions to real tactical and strategic communications challenges.

We’ve taught Leadership Storytelling to more than 100 companies around the world.

  • Dynamic and interactive content

  • Customized to every group

  • World-class storytelling facilitators

  • An energizing and transformational experience for your team!

  • Guaranteed lasting impact


What kinds of clients do you serve?

We have delivered storytelling trainings to clients in many industries. Chances are good that we’ve helped someone like you. Our one constraint is that we only deliver our content in English. Otherwise, there is a good chance that we can help you. Contact us and let’s discuss!

How do you customize your content?

Good storytelling is all about knowing your audience, and we’re no different. Before every training, we conduct a Discovery process that often includes 1-on-1 interviews with several members of your team. This insight lets us customize the exercises and approach. Your group will experience a training that’s unique to you.

Are your trainings in-person?

Many of our trainings are delivered in-person. We can come directly to your team, or we can meet you at a retreat location. (We can even help you plan the retreat!) Alternatively, we also offer many virtual storytelling trainings. Chances are we can meet your needs. Contact us and let’s chat!

What are the learning objectives?

At the highest level, the goal of our storytelling trainings is to empower participants to become more impactful communicators. Naturally, that means something a little different for everyone—that’s why we customize our approach for every team. Before every training, we’ll have a planning call with you where we will outline your customized learning objectives. We’re masters at helping individuals find tailored impact.

How interactive is your storytelling content?

Very! Our storytelling trainings include many unique storytelling exercises. Participants will work in pairs and small groups as they apply their new insights to their real workplace challenges. We minimize lecture time so you can maximize integration and behavior change! Contact us, and let’s explore how we would work with your team!

How can we book a storytelling training?

Great! The next step is to book a 30 min consultation with us. Together, we will discuss your goals and our process for how we can help your team level up the impact of your communication. Contact us and let’s get going!

  • In the fast-paced world of business, effective communication is more critical than ever. Leaders who can capture the hearts and minds of their audience, inspire action, and drive change within their organizations are the ones who stand out from the crowd. One powerful tool that has been used by successful leaders throughout history is storytelling. By harnessing the power of narrative, leaders can engage their audience, communicate important messages, and create a lasting impact.

    Our Corporate Storytelling Training program is designed specifically for leaders who want to develop their storytelling skills and use them to enhance their leadership capabilities. Whether you’re looking to inspire your team, communicate your vision, or build your personal brand, our comprehensive training will provide you with the tools you need to succeed.

    Through our engaging and interactive training sessions, you’ll learn how to craft compelling stories that resonate with your audience. Our expert trainers will guide you through the process of identifying your core message, structuring your narrative, and using vivid language to bring your stories to life. You’ll discover how to tap into the emotions of your audience, creating a deep connection that inspires action and drives results.

    Our training isn’t just about theory; it’s about practical application. You’ll have the opportunity to practice your storytelling skills in a safe and supportive environment, receiving constructive feedback from our trainers and your peers. You’ll also learn how to tailor your stories to different audiences and situations, ensuring that your message is always on point and resonates with everyone you interact with.

    In addition to developing your storytelling skills, our training will also help you build confidence as a speaker and presenter. You’ll learn how to use your voice and body language to engage your audience and create a memorable impression. You’ll also discover how to handle questions and challenges with ease, demonstrating your expertise and authority as a leader.

    Our Corporate Storytelling Training is suitable for leaders at all levels, from seasoned executives to aspiring managers. Whether you’re looking for in-person or virtual training, we’ve got you covered. Our flexible training options allow you to choose the format that best suits your needs and schedule.

    By investing in our Corporate Storytelling Training, you’ll gain a valuable skill that will benefit you throughout your career. You’ll be able to inspire and motivate your team, communicate your vision with clarity and passion, and build your personal brand as a leader who can engage and captivate an audience.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your leadership skills and take your career to the next level. Sign up for our Corporate Storytelling Training today and discover the secrets to effective leadership and team engagement!